SEED's Mission
We promote simple and sustainable lifestyle through uniting power form different sectors, production methods that respecting local values, following natural rules and ethical consumption in to achieve a sustainable and balanced life.
Passion for Life, Pursue Simple Life
In the past 15 years, we have united the power of organic sector to try to explore every opportunity to promote Hong Kong Organic Movement. We focus on food safety, organic farming, ecosystem and human welfare.
In May 1999, former SEED - Hong Kong Organic Farming Association was established and at that time, there were less than 20 organic farms in Hong Kong. Up to 2009, there are already 270 organic farms. Despite the shrinking of Hong Kong Agriculture, number of organic farms has been increasing. This shows there is increasing demand on local organic food.
Link of Urban Dwellers and Nature
Sustainable lifestyle focuses on the harmony between human and nature and care for people. During the promotion of sustainable lifestyle, SEED has provided different platforms to link up the citizens and local organic farmers.
Promote Fair Trade
In the future, while keeping our current work moves on, we will also make more efforts on ethical consumption. With existing platforms, and in art and creative sectors, we would like to educate the public about the importance of ethical consumption that can help the minority groups and maintain the social justice. We should know more before buying the product with consideration of whether the products involve exploitation of primary producers and workers, ignorance of animal welfare and destruction of the environment. We encourage Corporate Social Responsibility that corporates to return more to the society.